The Liverpool Arts Lab and The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu will be unconventionally celebrating death, as they prepare to build a ‘People’s Pyramid’ which will stand twenty-three feet high. The after party comes to District in Liverpool’s Baltic Triangle Saturday 23rd November.
The Peoples Pyramid will be constructed from 34,592 Bricks of Mu, which contains the cremated remains of a willing individual to pay tribute to those who are no longer with us. On each Toxteth Day of the Dead, previous MuMufied bricks over the past twelve months will be laid by The JAMs, Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond (KLF), on the growing pyramid until the last brick is laid and the pyramid is complete.
Josh, from the Liverpool Arts Lab explained the idea behind the event:
‘The Toxteth Day of the Dead is separate from Mexico’s Day of the Dead celebration. ‘Welcome to the Dark Ages’ was originally The JAMs event, which took place across different venues in the city. They then announced that they were going to build a pyramid in Toxteth with ash in each brick, and when you buy a brick you become part of the pyramid. It’s a fresh perspective to look at death. We’ve gone the wrong way about looking at death in this country, there’s other cultures that look at from more of a positive standpoint. This ore of a celebration of death and the day itself rather than a hollowed-out church ritual.’
The Liverpool Arts Lab has reached out to local community centres and businesses to integrate their stories into the day.
‘It has been emotional for some members of the community to speak about their personal stories and those who aren’t with us, but it has also been a cathartic experience for them. Last year we came up with the idea of the beating of the bounds, which will take place during the procession. We have a foundation layer for where the bricks will be laid on top of, but until we reach the final location that will be pulled around Toxteth. Along the route we pay tribute to the people in that area that have had a significant impact on the community. Last year people dissipated and the event had a solemn feeling to it. This year we are holding a party, to act as a collective place for everyone to celebrate.’
Another and a new element that can be expected from this year’s Toxteth Day of the Day is the Hereafter Party at District as the Liverpool Arts Lab has ensured they’ll flow into a party in the Baltic Triangle as the night falls.
With live performances from Paddy Steer, Moody Boyz and The Cryptide providing music until the early hours of the morning, make sure you celebrate death the right way. Tickets for the Hereafter Party are available here .