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Baltic businesses give to Beauty Banks

Baltic businesses give to Beauty Banks

Businesses across the Baltic have been collecting for Beauty Banks. Ethos, a quarterly magazine about sustainable and ethical business, has been leading the effort, after it featured Beauty Banks as its ‘local hero’ in the November issue of the magazine.


Beauty Banks is an initiative run entirely by volunteers, who put hours of their own time into collecting essential hygiene and beauty products. These are then distributed to homeless shelters and food banks around the country.


‘Nobody should have to choose between feeling full and feeling fresh,’ says Beauty Banks. Items like shampoo, shower gel and soap – that many of us take for granted – can make the world of difference to those who can’t afford to prioritise them, over essential food to feed their family, or sleep rough, with limited access to hygiene facilities.


After Ethos writer Emma Jones spoke to Beauty Banks’ Jo Jones, Ethos started its own collection, from its Northern Lights studio, in the Baltic Triangle. Editor Lucy Chesters says: ‘We were overwhelmed by the response from members of the public, our friends, family and other Baltic businesses. It was incredible how many people wanted to get involved. People raided their cupboards for unwanted and unopened products and donated them to us without hesitation; some went on a BB-specific shopping spree, and bought dozens of toothbrushes, gloves, makeup and hygiene essentials. Our collection brought families and friends together in gathering the products that would normally gather dust on their shelves.’


Community collections

Alongside collecting items centrally, which it then redistributes, Beauty Banks is keen to keep local donations in local areas, asking organisations to donate direct to people in need in their own communities. On 5 February, the Ethos team dropped off 12 crates and bags of essentials to the North Liverpool Food Bank, where it will be distributed to those that need it the most.


‘The work of Beauty Banks is so important – we’re really proud to be collecting on its behalf in our little corner of the country,’ says Lucy. ‘If you want to get involved, our door is always open, swing by with your shampoo and we’ll make sure it gets where it needs to be…’ 


Ethos is currently collecting a second donation for Beauty Banks. If you’d like to donate toiletries, hygiene products or warm socks, drop them over to Ethos, on the Mezzanine in Northern Lights, Cains Brewery Village. You can read the Beauty Banks feature here…